Integrative Yoga Therapy
Regular Yoga practice is unsurpassed in its ability to
relieve anxiety, lift depression, quell anxiety, lower blood pressure, induce relaxation and clear the mind of unwanted negative thoughts and emotions. In addition, the benefits of Yoga have a positive effect on our reproductive, endocrine, and digestive health.
Yoga Therapy at Womb Abloom is valuable for any woman who has cycle-specific, or maternity concerns and would like to explore the full spectrum of her being, by developing a personal practice of becoming more self-aware of the relationship dynamics, core beliefs, thoughts and emotions, and energetic imbalances that lead to stress and result in her physical pain or dis-ease.
So much of the hard work of a Yoga Therapist is being a healing presence. Just when I think I know better than they do about their particular struggle, these women blow me away with their own deep insight; shifting their thinking and becoming a brand new person right before my eyes, not ever going back to who they were just moments before. The lesson is always mine to learn.
The benefits of Yoga Therapy are many, and here are but a few:
Yoga Therapy may:
Reduce harmful effects of stress on the digestive, reproductive, endocrine, and immune systems,
Relax chronic muscle tension,
Bring safe attention to body sensations and greater access to feelings,
Restore optimal circulation to abdominal and pelvic organs,
Reduce symptoms of PMS, PMDD, painful menstruation, and menopause,
Improve symptoms of conditions related to hyper- and hypo-digestion,
Improve symptoms of prenatal and postpartum mood disorders, and related issues like insomnia and low self-esteem,
Improve outcomes for women on the challenged journey toward motherhood,
Offer a period of genuine rest to balance an otherwise stress-filled life,
Increase compassionate equanimity and self-awareness,
Restore connection between the body, energy, mind, and spirit that results in a feeling of wellbeing,
Reveal influences on student's health, and her role and choices on the healing journey.
Who Is This For?
Being the sensuous creatures that we are, women need a way to stay in tune with delicate rhythms and cycles; to experience the pleasure of a body that can breathe. Together we work in the spirit of the original meaning of the word therapy -- "caring for the self," and during your private sessions, I serve as a guide on your journey of healing and self-discovery.
The Spiritual Practice of the Menstrual Cycle
Reduce stress and its harmful effects on the reproductive, immune, and endocrine systems with Yoga Therapy. We tailor the physical postures, breathing practices, meditation scripts, etc. to meet your individual needs throughout the entire Menstrual Cycle.
Fertility R&R
There are few things as stressful to a woman as facing fertility challenges, and stress affects pregnancy outcomes. It's a vicious cycle! Yoga Therapy may help you come to terms with a way of being (not doing!) and looking at your fertility challenge in a way that can make it more joyful and rich than it otherwise would be. It also may improve your pregnancy outcome.
Improving Prenatal & Postpartum Mood
Anxiety and depression affect many moms and moms-to-be. Yoga Therapy may help to balance Mama's energy by identifying her mood, practicing centering, creating positive self-talk, and consciously regulating breathing to bring about a sense of ease.
Easing Into Menopause
Waves of anxiety, bouts of paranoia, insomnia, an inability to concentrate, and waves of heat surging through your body. It's hard to consider menopause as a rite of passage with all this going on. Yoga Therapy may help you enter your menopausal years with a healthy attitude, and support your transition from childbearing to wisdom.
Managing High Risk Pregnancy
From multiples to gestational diabetes to high blood pressure, and more, high risk pregnancy is stressful for mom-to-be. Yoga Therapy may help her manage these conditions and improve birth outcomes by supporting stress reduction and relaxation in body, energy, mind, and spirit.
Supporting Digestive Wellness
Digestive issues have been around since the human gut was invented, and are typically a sign of something deeper going on within. Psycho-social stress, postural issues, dietary confusion, trauma, the list goes on. Yoga Therapy may help you to become aware of how you take on what you need (nourishment) and let go of what you do not (elimination), as well as explore what supports your digestion.
How is Yoga Therapy different from a public Yoga class?
Personalized Practices To Meet Your Needs
Yoga Therapy focuses on the path of Yoga as a healing journey that is unique to each individual and differs from public Yoga classes in two main ways. The first is Yoga Therapy is student-centered, where the teaching meets the specific needs of the student, which is distinct from the pre-arranged class structure and content of a public class. The second, is Yoga Therapy focuses on the overall well-being of the student, placing equal emphasis on all dimensions of your being. This means asanas (postures) may be highlighted, but integrated with other Yoga tools to meet not only the physical needs of a student, but her energetic, psycho-emotional, intuitive, and spiritual needs as well. This, too, is distinct from a public class where the majority of the practice is focused on asana and breathing.
Allison R.,
Dental Assistant
"When I first went to Teresa, I was having trouble managing stress and how it was affecting my body. The practices she taught me have really helped in my daily life and brought a new balance in it as well. She did breathing exercises as well as visual exercises to help get rid of the daily stressors affecting me in many different ways. I didn't realize how much stress affects different parts of the body, so her education on that was really helpful to understand it all. I now know what to do when something stressful arises and it has become a daily ritual for me."
Rachel L.,
"Teresa's teaching style is very calming and focused on my request of stretches for the hips and lower back, along with poses to ease digestive and perimenopausal issues. She helped me with breathing and meditation techniques, which I practice before bedtime to help me relax. Her teaching took my Yoga practice to a new and amazing level!"
Suzi B.,
Small Business Owner
"I have experienced many benefits through my private Yoga therapy sessions with Teresa. Body scans taught me to pay attention to what my body is asking for. Teresa's vast knowledge coupled with her enthusiasm guides me to meet and treat these needs using specific pranayama, mudras, asanas, and affirmations. Yoga therapy has enabled me to take huge proactive steps toward my health and enlightenment."
Carol R.,
"My counselor recommended I find a Yoga Therapist to create an individualized program based on problems I had uncovered. I opened was able to identify and explore feelings and beliefs through meditation, guided imagery, aromatherapy, mantras and breath work. The Yoga Therapy process connected me to my Heart, and grew from a mere understanding of self-love, self-acceptance, as well as love and acceptance for others, to actually feeling and being love and acceptance. This has changed my life forever."