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Metta Menses

There is so much more to the Menstrual Cycle than the biology lesson given to explain it. It is largely affected by the Moon, is a way for us to honor Mother Earth and the mysterious feminine powers of nurture, creativity and sensuality, and reflects a woman's personal life seasons. When a woman honors her Menstrual Cycle, Menstrual Periods are a painless, beautifully orchestrated function of nerves, veins, hormones and energy. Unfortunately though, 75% of women and girls suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and painful periods from lack of self-nourishment, in the form of quiet time, a lighter schedule, adequate rest, replenishing meal choices, and exercise during the weeks prior to, but especially during the Menstrual Period. This is due to high stress lives, over responsibility, feelings of guilt for taking care of ourselves, and cultural period shame that demands we keep going as though our period isn't happening.
Metta menses

"The female pelvis is a powerhouse of energy transformation; the very throne of creation through which universal creative energy patterns course and flow. This depends on balance within the system."Rosita Arvigo, DN

Therapeutic Yoga is helpful in reducing PMS symptoms and painful periods because it:

  • Reduces stress and the harmful effects of stress on the endocrine and reproductive systems,
  • Reduces stress and the harmful effects of stress on the endocrine, immune, and reproductive systems,
  • Meditation has been shown to raise serotonin levels,

  • Reduces tearfulness, irritability, bloating, headaches, and cramping,

  • Increases circulation to reproductive organs,

  • Cultivates a space of inner silence that allows women to turn inward to attune to natural rhythms and cycles.


Complete Menstrual Cycle Support

Alleviate the most common menstrual period symptoms by living in harmony with your entire menstrual cycle. 

4-Week Program

2hr $178

This first session serves as an orientation to this unique work, body positioning, and supportive modalities. We begin at once with our focus to your comfort by addressing common complaints and conditions that may be present, structural alignment, nutrition, and psycho-emotional wellness.​


Initial Session Includes:

  • Comprehensive consultation

  • Session Summary

  • Introduction to Spinning Babies® 

  • Applied Arvigo® Therapy

  • Self-care instruction for use at home between sessions​

Follow Up Sessions

1hr $90 (offered until 20 weeks only) 
1.5hr $135 

During your ongoing sessions you will enjoy continued support through the dramatic changes your body will inevitably go through. The frequency of visits and the techniques evolve as you progress through each trimester, meeting your physical and emotional needs the whole time. 


Follow Up Sessions Include:

  • Applied Arvigo® Therapy

  • Review of self-care instructions as needed

  • Ongoing emotional support and educational resources

Labor Prep

1.5h Session $135
Initial Session required

We focus our intention to support you to have a positive birth experience whether you are planning a vaginal or surgical birth. Beginning at 37 weeks, we prepare you for labor and the birth of your baby with additional Arvigo® Therapy techniques as well as other techniques specific for this exciting time. If needed, feel free to ask questions about childbirth, traditional healing, and birth wisdom.


Postpartum Recovery


1.5h Session $135
Initial Session required

Your baby is here (YAY!) and it's now time to facilitate restorative healing. Even one postpartum session can be powerful as you process your birth story and adjust to hormone-driven emotional shifts and sleep deprivation.

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